Our Christmas Party will again be with the Skagit chapter at the Alger Community Hall located at 18735 Parkview Lane, Alger, WA on Friday, December 7, 2018.
Social hour at 6:00pm and dinner at 7:00pm.
Janine will be there at 5:00pm to open the doors. Decoration will be at 5:00pm, if you would like to join them in decorating the hall that would be helpful. If you bring some decoration items, be sure to mark them so they go home with the right person. We will also be setting up for dinner, which starts at 7:00 p.m.
Both Chapters will bring turkey and ham, from our chapter: Bill McKenna has volunteered to cook a ham and Therese Jones will cook a turkey, the rest is potluck, so please bring a dish to share. Be sure to mark your dish and serving utensils!
Whatcom Chapter will paper products, and Skagit will bring bottled water and centerpieces for the tables which will be raffled afterwards.
We will have punch and coffee.
If you wish to participate in the gift exchange please bring a new wrapped gift, value $15.00. We encourage you to invite potential young riders! The committee is working on the process for kid’s gifts, if there are enough kids, the gifts maybe in a separate table so they can participate on an exchange. If the children are too young or the parents don’t want them to participate in the exchange, parents can bring a gift for their children.
This year we will be collecting nonperishable food for Skagit food bank. Last year the donations went to Whatcom. The committee decided to just collect food this year, but if you wish to donate clothing or toys, you may do so by donating a new unwrapped gift to Toys for Tots. All the Haggen grocery stores will be collecting items from Nov 21st to Dec 4th or you can drop off your donations at 1530 Cornwall Ave (the old Safeway) from 10:00am to 6:00pm from November 21st until December 15th. The dates for collections are Nov 30th, Dec 1st, Dec 7th-8th, and Dec 14th—15th.
Remember No alcohol allowed inside or around the premises
We would like a head count as to how many will be attending the Christmas Party to make sure we have enough tables, etc. Please send me an email and let me know how many in your party.