Ponderosa Scavenger Hunt – September 29

If you have not already registered for the Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, September 29 then it is time to do so.  Registrations are already coming in and we should have a great time.

Gather your riding friends and make a day of it, or even a weekend by camping at Riverside State Park Equestrian Area.  We have a great venue for the scavenger hunt where you can explore many trails while you look for scavenger items.  There will also be a chili feed, raffles and door prizes.

And if you are that lone rider who just likes to ride alone that is okay too.  Teams are made up of one or two people looking for the scavenger items with prizes awarded in both categories.

We are having a hot, dry summer but by September 29 we will have great riding weather.  Make your plans to attend the scavenger hunt.

The flyer can be downloaded here.  Registration forms and additional information are available on the Ponderosa Back Country Horsemen website www.pbchw.com.