The Ponderosa Chapter of Back Country Horsemen is excited to sponsor a Poker Ride on Sunday, May 21, 2023 at Riverside State Park.
This is a family event so bring the kids. Kids 17 and younger will ride free.
The trails in the equestrian area are easy to ride and we will mark them clearly with engineering tape. We want this to be a ride for everyone to enjoy.
For this poker ride you get to play a game of skill to determine your poker hand. How does this work? At each game station you will throw a bean bag at a box containing playing cards that are face up. You aim for the card you want. You will do this from your horse or dismount. You can also play multiple hands to increase your chance of winning.
You can purchase a lunch and we also have many great raffle items, including from Inland Empire Foundation, Northern Qwest Casino, GSI Outdoor and the Spokane Symphony. More will be announced.
Make this a weekend at a wonderful equestrian facility and enjoy the:
- Equestrian campground (20 campsites plus overflow camping area)
- Round pen (60 foot)
- Arena (140X240 foot)
- Obstacle course
- Many miles of additional trails in the park
- Mark your calendar for May 21, 2023
- Go to for more information including
- Flier
- Facts sheet for more information
- Pre-registration form (to use by mail)
- Pre-registration on-line
- Directions to Riverside State Park
- Contact your riding friends and equestrian groups and stables
- Put it on you Facebook and other social media
- Make camping arrangements if you plan to camp
This fundraiser helps Back Country Horsemen build and maintain trails and trailheads. We appreciate your support so that equestrians continue to have access to public land.
It is time to plan for summer of 2023. Let’s include the Ponderosa poker ride on Sunday, May 21, 2023 with your friends and family.