2022 Christmas Party

Whatcom-Skagit Back Country Horsemen

Reminder---Christmas Party!

We are back to having our joint Christmas party with Skagit Chapter!  This year it will be on Friday, December 9th at the Alger Community Hall, located at 18735 Parkview Lane, Alger.  The hall was already scheduled on December 9th by the Scottish Dancers group but they graciously invited us to have that date for our Christmas party. We have invited them to join us for dinner.

Social hour at 6pm and dinner at 7pm.  Gift exchange afterwards, if you wish to participate please bring a new gift, $15 or so.

Volunteers will be decorating and setting up the hall on the 9th from 5pm to 6pm.  We welcome anyone who wishes to come and join us in decorating and setting up!  If you bring any of your own decorations, be sure to mark them so you know which are yours.

Each chapter will bring a turkey and ham, so there should be plenty to eat!  The rest will be potluck.  We would like each one of you to bring a side dish to share, be sure to mark you dish and serving utensils.   We would also like to have an idea of what everyone is bringing, so we don’t run out of a certain dish, so when you decide, please send an email to Cindy at cindy.piccolo@gmail.com.

Due to this late notice if you don't have time to email just go ahead and bring something delicious.

Let’s enjoy the Christmas Party!

If the weather is iffy check your email on Friday for possible cancellation